Join the CVPA Residential Learning Community where you can CREATE!
Compose, cast, choreograph, color, and capture
Rehearse, relevé, realize, and respond
Explore, emote, edit, and enjoy
Act, astound, achieve, and appreciate
Tell a story
- Dominion Hall
- Art and Visual Technology Majors - AVT 101: New Majors Colloquium
- Theater Majors - THR 150: Global Theater Histories 1
- Dance Majors - DANC 190: First Year Seminar
- Film and Video Studies Majors - FAVS 255: Video Production for Film.
- Computer Game Design Majors - GAME 210: Basic Game Design
- Music Majors - MUSI 300: Recital Attendance
- Other Majors & Undeclared Students - UNIV 108 Mason Transitions
Campus Partner
Housing Application Questions
- What is one example of a way that you plan to engage with other students and/or to help build community on the floor?