About Blue Ridge/Sandbridge
Blueridge and Sandbridge are suite style halls connected to each other housing about 400 upper-level students located in the center of campus. Suite style means two to five students in double, triple, or single bedrooms share a bathroom within a suite. Each floor has a central lounge space for students to socialize. The building also has a shared laundry facility. The Ridge and One Stop Patriot Shop are located on the first floor. Blueridge is the home of the Business and Entrepreneurship and Schar School Democracy Lab Residential Learning Communities.
Closest Parking: Rappahannock River Parking Deck
Closest Dining Hall: Southside Dining Hall
Closest Amenities: Fenwick Library, Lecture Hall, Skyline Fitness Center, SUB 1, Dunkin' Donuts
Community Director for Blueridge and Sandbridge Hall: