Roommate Grouping Info

What is Roommate Grouping?

Roommate Grouping is the process used to request roommates. You can only group with someone with the same gender inclusive status and if in a residential learning community, in the same RLC.  

When is Roommate Grouping?

Roommate Grouping opens in the housing portal at in late  May  and will close in late June . Students will not be able to group after June Last week

Finding Your Roommate in the Housing Portal

Students can search for a roommate by the G Number (if you know your roommate's request), and the overall percentage you match on preferences (sleep, cleanliness, etc..) 50% or higher is a good match! Search by a particular preference that is most important to you (only want a non-smoker)  

Creating a Roommate Group

Once you find someone you want to live with, you can message them. We encourage you to discuss what you want in a roommate to see if you are compatible.  

Finding a Match

If you find a match, one of you will create a group and invite the other to join the group. Your group can have 2-4 total members.  

If You Do Not Group With a Roommate

We encourage all students to group- this is who you will be living with all year! However, if you do not group, the system will pair you during selection.  


Creating a Healthy Roommate Experience

Good roommate relationships can take time to develop. Talk to your roommate and find out about their background, habits, interests, and pet peeves. Learn about the differences between you, how they may affect your living environment, and what compromises you both may have to make to maintain harmony.


What if I already know who I want as my roommate?

If you already know who you want to room with, select this option. Just enter their G number (no spaces). If they don't appear, it means they either haven't completed their housing application ,or you're not eligible to room together (due to a different Residential Learning Community RLC or gender-inclusive status). 


How do I search by profile?

Use this option 'Search by Profile' to search for a roommate based on specific criteria. For example, whether they allow guests, or don't smoke. This is helpful if certain preferences are important to you. 

How can I find a suitable roommate?

The option 'Suggest Roommate' shows potential roommates ranked by how closely they match your preferences, based on your housing application. You can message potential roommates to see if you'd be a good fit.  As mentioned, you'll only see students you're eligible to room with (matching with your Residential Learning Community option 'RLC' and based on your gender-inclusive status, if applicable). 

What if I don't choose, or forget to choose a roommate?

If you choose not to group with anyone, or forget to choose a roommate, the system will randomly assign you a roommate.  The option 'Random Match' gives you the least control over who you’ll room with. 

If I have a vacancy in my room, will I receive a roommate?

Students with a vacancy may receive a roommate at any time. New roommates will have the same gender preference (male, female, and gender-inclusive). 

Can my friend move into the open space in my room?

Your friend can complete a room change request and inform staff of the desire to move to your specific room. Only spaces that are not under contract with another student (regardless of whether they are here in person or not) are available. Students may move to entirely vacant spaces that are not already reserved by another student. Please be aware that physical presence does not determine space availability. Therefore, a space may be physically empty but unavailable due to another student's reservation. 

How do I switch rooms with another student?

You and the student you want to switch spaces with should each apply for a room change. Each will need to provide our staff with the name, G number, and current room assignment of the student you want to switch spaces with.

If I switch to a room with a different cost, how will my billing be affected?

Your billing will be adjusted within 3-5 business days to reflect the cost difference for each room and the dates you were in each room. This may cause either an increase or decrease in housing costs.

Can I request a single room?

Yes, but single rooms are limited on campus and do not often become available. If you desire to change rooms, we recommend you consider spaces beyond a single.

I am in an RLC, can I move?

Some Residential Learning Communities (RLCs) have different agreements, as well as requirements, that may also affect their academic course load. Therefore, for more information regarding your specific RLC please contact